About Me

Foto saya
D.I.Y, Indonesia
An Albatross cosplayer, SHAWOL with Choi Minho as her bias ♥ and really wishing to have oppa ♥ Someone who addicted with chibi, Gothic Lolita, blueish stuff, cat and sweeties. [Himeh is my stage name :3]

MOS [Day 1]

yaah~~ hari yang cerah dan menyenagkan ..
yang bikin sebel pagi pagi cuma upacara pembukaan yang super panas, saya di jemur ..

abis slese upacara ada wawasan wiyata mandala yg nge bosenin banget !
acara di lanjutin sama ice breaking .. aku kira ice breaking itu kaya lomba mecah es =))
ternyata semacam lomba yg kata nya buad memecah kebekuan . =))

habis itu ada penjelasan tata tertib ..
sayang, saya agak congek jadi gga begitu denger guru nya ngomong apa *digebuk*
tapi kata nya, ntar tiap murid dapet buku RULES nya skola . -YEAAY !!- *dikeroyok*

akhir nya abis itu istirahat ...
u know . murid² di bagi snack looh .. padahal dulu mos gga pernah dapet makanan .. =))

abis tu ada pengenalan kurikulum dsb trus nyanyi Mars 4 Bhe ...
ini nii ,, lamaaa banget nyanyi nya . bikin tenggorokan kering~~

abis tu ibadah baru pulang ..
tapi sebelum pulang ada briefing sama senpai² OSIS yg jadi humas X-D ..
dan itu lamaaa nya minta ampun ...
gara² si Aji, ketua kelas yg nanya ini itu . dan lagi pertanyaan nya aji tu gga mutu !!
pertanyaan yg tadi uda di jelasin !! dasar gga ndengerin !!!

alhasil gara² si aji . klas ku pulang telat setengah jam .
gila,, otoo-san uda nunggu di depan pula .
yaa~~ untung nya otoo-san gga mara .

- Himeko Ichijo -
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Hime & Shou or Hime VS Shou ?

before I start this. does anyone know who is Shou ?
alright, that doesn't matter. *digebuk karna sok inggris*

Shou Ichinose ato biasa aku panggil Shou-kun .
yap, aku ketemu dy dari forum Ganbate dot Net .
dia bishounen yg cantik! http://emo.huhiho.com
apalagi waktu dy pake baju gothic lolita . awwww~
ok, that's enough about him.

the first time I'm online in that forum, I felt so lonely. no one in there. It's just the Admin and Me
no body else .....

so quite there. [because the other members was never post anything]

one day, a new member has come.
his name is Shou Ichinose.

never thought of me, he was so interesting.
there was so many things that same between us ..
somethings like... both of us was a YUI fan, both of us like Midori's Days comics, both of us like SMT Persona, Gothic Lolita and many more.

then we [me, Shou-kun, and sista Prue; the moderator], chat together all over time.
likes there are no ending of our conversation. that time was so warm...


but, in a one nice day. I'm went online as usual. I looked to the forum, and I saw a new message was posted by sista Prue.
she wrote that she would leave the forum for 2 months or more, she would go to a village.
a village where she can't online ..... http://emo.huhiho.com

of course, all of us was so sad. but, there's one more thing in the post.
"Well, that's it. That is what I trying to say.
But, while I leaving, there will be a new moderator that will replace me while I'm out. And I, has 2 candidates. I selecting by some terms and conditions like--
And from that, I choose Shou Ichinose and or Himeko Ichijo.
However, still the Admin that will choose whose will be the moderator.
In fact, I've been institute one name to the Admin. But, let's just see.

o.k, that's enough from me.
take care and see you later!"

after that time, I still trying to online in there as usual.
and try to chat with Shou-kun too. but, he's never responds again...
until this day, or more...
never see Shou-kun online again, and sista Prue was still work.
so lonely again, just like the first time.
I had no idea. what should I do ?

did Shou-kun think we're rival now ?
rival for who's-the-one-will-be-mod ?
not a friends anymore ?
and, if one of us; just one, has chosen to be the moderator, will we still be a friend ? not a rival ?
or, if both of us chosen, will we be a friend again ? or a rival again ?
we will be a friends again, will we ?

sigh, this is suck ! http://emo.huhiho.com
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Fantasy of Hime ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)