About Me

Foto saya
D.I.Y, Indonesia
An Albatross cosplayer, SHAWOL with Choi Minho as her bias ♥ and really wishing to have oppa ♥ Someone who addicted with chibi, Gothic Lolita, blueish stuff, cat and sweeties. [Himeh is my stage name :3]

banner baru XD

Yoo, minna~
ane ganti banner nih ! haha
banner yg lama masih bisa dipake kok, tapikan banner yg ini lebih 'wah' karna masih 'Fresh from the Photoshop' . LOL

itu banner ane yg buat sendiri loo 8DD
buat yg pengen pajang banner baru ane di blog masing masing, monggo kodenipun dipun copas piyambak piyambak
ane gatau loh itu tulisan jawa krama inggil bener apa kaga. wkwkwkwk
klo salah ya mianhae lah :DD


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Fantasy of Hime ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)